Fully Grown Edition

Photo of a “Fully Grown Man” for reference On the way to school this morning, Messiah and I encountered a road closure on Poplar, which is a colossal inconvenience. We had to make a U-turn and as we did, Messiah wanted to know why they closed it. I told him I had no idea...that answer never works for him. "BUT WHYYYY?!?" So I told him to see who could come up with the most likely reason. Gaga: Car accident, cars blocking the road Messiah: Pot hole so big a car fell in it G: Water main burst, road flooded M: Somebody- WAIT! LOOK! THOSE PEOPLE HAVE LIGHTED CANDY CANES IN THEIR YARD!!! G: (Switching gears) Fabulous! Look over there-that house has icicles hanging from their porch! M: Hey! There are red lights all over-WAIT! Did you see their gate? It had a sun on it! G: Cool gate. I don't want an iron fence with a gate all around my yard, but that gate is cool with the sun. M: You don't need a gate, because you have a one-story house. You don't want t...