Scary Things Edition


In the hallway to the bedrooms in our house, we have several of my photographs framed and hanging on the walls. From the time we moved here and first hung them, Messiah has been afraid of this photo that I took in Saint Louis years ago. Even at 8 years old, he doesn’t like to walk past it alone, and he refuses to go down the hall without the lights on. The latter issue is not a problem; there are 3 light switches in that hallway. 

This morning, he finished his breakfast and I asked him to go brush his teeth. He said, “But you still have that picture on the wall.”  I told him I would go back to the bathroom with him. As we walked by, he said, “Who is that walking man, anyway?” I explained that it was a sculpture on the street in St. Louis. He asked why it was on the street. I told him that in the area of the city where it was, there were many sculptures. “Was he a famous Walking Man so they made a sculpture of him?” I told him I had no idea but would see if I could find out anything about it, and would report back. That seemed to satisfy him. 

About 15 minutes later, Messiah came up to me, so serious and concerned, and said, “Even after you get me the information about Walking Man, will you still walk down the hall with me when I’m scared?”

I promised him that no matter how old he was, no matter what he was scared of, if I could make him feel safe, I would be there as long as I live.  

I wish so much this was all he would ever have to fear. I fear for him and his siblings all the time.


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