Now You See Him Edition

I took Julian and Messiah to basketball practice tonight, and because he gets the bus in front of our house early every morning for his summer program, Messiah asked if he could spend the night. Susie (a.k.a. "Mamaw") took the back end of the shower duty and helped him dry off and saw that he got his pjs on and brushed his teeth. Messiah likes to hide. He does it all the time and it makes me nuts, but Mamaw is more tolerant of that activity. He was brushing his teeth, and she turned her back and the bathroom was empty. He was nowhere to be found. He is normally the most active, noisy creature, but when he's hiding, there's nobody more stealthy. She asked me if he had come out to the living room where I was, and he had not. She was truly baffled. She walked back toward the bedroom, looked in the bathroom, and sure enough, there he was, acting like he had never left. He thinks he's hilarious.