Grammarian/Gotcha! Edition


I'm not much on hard, fast rules for my grandchildren, but manners and grammar are sticking points.  Every time one of them calls my name, I respond with, "Yes, Sweetheart?" Or, "Yes, {insert name} because this is what I ask in return.  When I call them, I don't want them to just yell, "what." back at me.  And I correct their grammar.  Messiah uses double negatives sometimes.  OK, frequently.  "I didn't have no breakfast."  "I don't have no pencils."  Every time, I correct him.  This morning in the car when he said he didn't have no time, I said, "Messiah here's a rule.  If you're using the word don't, then use the word any instead of no.  So for instance, say I don't have any time, or I didn't wear any socks, etc."

A half hour later, Julian was busy blowing up a rubber glove for no apparent reason, and I said, "I wonder how big that can get."  He looked at me and said, "I don't any.  Get it, Gaga?  Don't...any...instead of don't know.  Your rule doesn't always work, with homophones." 



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