He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother Edition.

 With the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine, we committed anew to spend time with each grandchild individually, giving them the attention and space that Julian has enjoyed his whole life.  This weekend it was Jaylon's turn.  When you have them separately, their personalities really reveal themselves; they are not just feeding off each other or showing off for their siblings, or jockeying for position.  It took Jaylon a good two hours to calm down enough for us to see what his real likes, interests, and conversations are like.  He is by far the silliest of the three boys, and also extremely provocative; pushing the envelope at every opportunity.  That said, after he calmed down, he was dear and delightful and in some ways very matter-of-fact and straightforward.  We played, we attempted to read to him ("too boring"), our dear friends came over to visit with him, we had dinner, he took a bath, and I got him dressed for bed.  On the way home, he started talking about Halloween and outdoor decorations.  We drove by a dinosaur skeleton outside the Museum of Science and History near our house. That started it.

Jaylon:  Gaga, can we drive around at Halloween and look at houses? Can we look for The Big Cat? 

(The Big Cat is a legend, forged when we lived in our old neighborhood and a house nearby had an enormous black cat on the roof one year; it was so long ago that a only Julian actually ever saw it.  Every year Julian talks about it, and the younger boys long for a glimpse; it's never there.)

Gaga: I don't think they put it out any more, but sure.  We can drive by there.

J: Can we all go?  Julian and Messiah and Mamaw and you and me?

G: Sure. Sounds like fun.

J: And Mommy and Daddy and Mariah and Jazelle?  And Auntie Maddie?

G: Well, sure.  We can't all go in my car, but we could take two cars. 

J: And Jamari? (His cousin)  Can we bring Jamari?
G:  Well, I'm not sure.  I don't think so. Not on that ride.  The cars will be full.

J: But Gaga.  If we don't bring Jamari, we won't have anyone to play with.

G:  Um, Jaylon?  You have each other.  There are five kids in your family.  Five.  You always have someone to play with.

J: No, we don't.   Mariah and Jazelle have each other, but Julian and Messiah and I have nobody.  

G:  Wait. You just named three kids: Julian, Messiah, and yourself.  So you have 2  people to play with.  

J:  They're not people, Gaga, they're brotherrrrrs.


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