Employment Possibility Edition
The other day, on the way home.
Messiah: Gaga, do some yachts have pools?
Gaga: Yes, I think so. I think big yachts do.
Julian: Gaga, what do you call those big boats that you can go on vacation for a whole entire week?
Gaga: You mean a cruise ship?
Messiah: I want to go on one of those. Or a yacht with a pool. With you. And Mamaw, and Mommy, and Daddy, and Jaylon. But not the baby girls. They're too little. Too much work.
Julian: MESSIAH! Do you know how expensive that would be? That would be like ten K dollars!!
Gaga: Ten K dollars. That's a lot of money.
Messiah: Gaga, how much money do you have? Like a lot of money? Or a little bit?
Gaga: I would say a medium amount of money.
Messiah: Maybe if you gave your money, and Mommy and Daddy gave their money, we could go.
Julian: GAGA! I've got it! You could get a LOT of money by being a YOUTUBER!!
Gaga: Me? On YouTube? Doing what? Singing and dancing? Because I don't do those very well.
Julian: No, Gaga, playing video games. I saw a 6th grade kid who made 4K dollars playing video games on YouTube.
Gaga: I don't play video games, Julian
Julian: You could learn. And then we could go on a boat.
It’s so simple, Gaga! Love the way their minds work.