Right and Wrong Edition

So much of parenting, or grandparenting in my case, is simply doing the very best you can not to screw up royally. Lessons. Why are there so many lessons? Yesterday, as we were pulling out of the school driveway, Julian said, "I'd like to do something nice for my friend." That made me happy! I asked which friend, and he told me a name I'd not heard before. "He gave me a brownie, so I'd like to do something nice for him." This sounded reasonable. So I asked, "What would you like to do?" "Well, you know how we have to do an illustration with each poem we write in creative writing?" Of course I did, we've been producing poetry of all manner this year; one a week. "He asked me to do his." (Inside, I was slamming on the brakes, pulling over, and jerking my head around and screaming, "WHAT THE HELL? HE ASKED YOU TO DO HIS HOMEWORK? AND YOU WANT TO???") "Well, you doing his illustration would be c...