Housekeeping Edition

Of the five of my grandchildren, Messiah is by far the busiest. He has to be in motion, at least with his hands, most of the time. He loves to build things, he loves to run and jump and is unaccustomed to the concept of sitting still, unless he is engaged in an activity that takes his full concentration. He rolled over in the hospital at 24 hours old, he walked at 9 months, and if you turn your back on him outside, he's up a tree or on top of a fence. When walking to the bus in the morning, he runs down the sidewalk way ahead of me, with me screaming, every single day, "WATCH THE DRIVEWAYS!!!!" One thing I've learned in the years we've lived here is that most people are extremely mindful when backing out onto the street, but my heart is in my throat the entire time. He has a specific thing (many of them, actually) that drives him nuts. He cannot STAND to have someone clean up a project before he feels he's done with it, so if he starts building someth...